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By Douglass D. Scarbrough

 American photographer and environmentalist, Ansel Adams once said; "When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence." Strong and insightful words from such a well-know artist, which in one statement,  captures the essence of the passion I have for my own work. Unfortunately, spoken words are often forgotten and even the most concrete memories fade over time, but great photography always enables you to relive those precious memories time and time again. From capturing the special moments of your wedding day, or celebrating your child’s first birthday, to adding another portrait to your family album, or eternalizing a moment of God’s wonders around us, I honestly love to shoot them all. So, I too focus with photography. However, I focus on the moments we nearly miss, and the joys that need not be lost.

~D. Dubois Photography

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